The Winter Skyline

January 18, 2013  •  Leave a Comment

As you might have noticed, I enjoy photographing the skyline of Portland. The built environment of cities has always intrigued me, and I enjoy looking at photos of various city skylines from around the world. You can tell a lot about a city by looking at it's skyline but at the same time you can't necessarily judge a city by it's skyline. As pretty as tall and artfully designed skyscrapers can be, I find the ground level density of a city to be it's most appealing attribute. Part of what I enjoy about photographing the relatively small skyline of Portland is how different it can be appear when viewed from different angles. I think the view from the Casco Bay Bridge, as presented in my most recent upload below, is one of the most flattering. It does look a bit bleak in the winter though, which led me to focus more on the relationship between the skyline and the sky than on the skyline and the surrounding city. It's also worth noting that the portions of the skyline on the West End and Munjoy Hill are absent from this angle. Interestingly, the tallest building in Maine (Franklin Towers) and the tallest structure in Maine (The Cathedral Immaculate Conception), are just barley visible from this vantage point. 

Portland Maine Winter Skyline January 2013 by Corey TempletonThat WInter Skyline


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